Transfer Labor Sales to Parts Screen

Use this screen to transfer labor sales amounts to a part type account.

Description of fields on the screen

Field Label Description
Transfer From This is the labor account type from the selected estimate line item.
Transfer To Click on the droplist to select the part account the sales amount is to be transferred.
Transfer $ Enter a dollar amount in this field.
Line The estimate line number appears in this field.
Operation Labor operation of the estimate line item.
Description This is the line item description.
Labor Account The field displays the associated labor account for the estimate line item.
RO Hours The estimate line item labor hours.
Total $ This field is calculated by using the labor hours value multiplied by the labor account rate.
Part Number Enter a part number in this field. This is part of the line that will be added to the estimate.
Description Enter a part description in this field. This is part of the line that will be added to the estimate.
Part Account This value comes from the Transfer To value you selected. You cannot edit this field.
List Price $ This is the amount that will appear in the added line item. You cannot edit this field.
Back Select this button to view the previous screen.
Finish Select this button after you have entered the information in the screen.
Cancel Selecting this option closes the screen without saving.

See Also

Transferring Sales From a Labor to a Part Account







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